
Search results for Love in the Afternoon


Eames furniture in film and the ‘must see’ exhibition at the Barbican

Charles and Ray Eames furniture feature in multiple movies. When film set decorators need to convey a character's good taste and style or when...

Bardo – designing a world that spans dreams and reality (with exclusive interview and previously unseen images)

Spending just shy of 3 hours in a cinema on a Saturday afternoon watching Bardo, False Chronicle of a...

Magazines, MacGuffins and everything including the Kitchen Sink

by Film and Furniture Founder, Paula Benson.This week I learned a lot about magazines, MacGuffin’s and the kitchen sink (drama).The MacGuffinA MacGuffin is an object or device in a...

Charles and Ray Eames Hollywood connections (and how they snuck their furniture into a few films)

Exclusive interview with Eames expert prof. Pat Kirkham We're lucky to have Pat Kirkham back in the UK. After...

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